Destiny of Almaz-project(info,rumors)
Destiny of project "Almaz"(not only rumors):
The documentation on Almazes is destroyed (as instruction demands - all has
limitation period). The trustworthy information is not present. Samples,
certainly, settled in private collections, here and in foreign land. When one
of participants of the project in the beginning 90's has returned after study and
work in America with the Volna-4Ê, Mir-47Ê and Almaz-103 on hands, he has
decided them to return fairly on a factory (as that and was necessary under
the contract). It was found out, that not only the department is disbanded, but
also in accounts department(!) all papers (the contract, the receipt, a copy
of the waybill and so forth), testifying about presence at him the given
phototechnical equipments are destroyed. So them (fortunately for him) could
not accept at all.
Part of LOMO (at railway station "11 km "(now - "Old Village"),
direction - Lisyi Nos) in Leningrad
(now Saint-Petersburg), one of its cases intended under the assembly conveyor
of Almazes.
Last attempt though somehow to start "Almaz-101" in manufacture was purchase
of set "GDR" electronic shutters such as BX (from Praktica BX-camera) - purchase
approximately in 1989, but by the that moment interest of ministries and a
factory to this project has been completely lost...
About low reliability of serial Almazes(without consideration special manual
operational development in workshop), for mass producing such camera too
From the meeting, on LOMO about camera for journalists Almaz-102, the basic
problems in series is a bad quality of assembly and impossibility of normal
control of process of heat treatment of details for Almazes. Treatment - it
could not debug up to the end. Was used cyanizing - bad process for this pirpose.
In a result, one of most cause of malfunction - elementary breakout "ear" any
of springs or to that similar primitive things... Very whimsical mechanical
shutter in "Almaz-102/-103" - for the same reasons. Precise of makin was not
enough, difficult surfaces demanded very firm materials for the manufacturing together
with high accuracy of their processing. At times this material was replaced
something softer (that while in service caused problems with short speeds of
shutter - and these problems progressed eventually, or simply incorrectly
processed, that affected already accuracy of working off of all speeds.
Management of LOMO dreamed to transfer this unit to any watch factory - they
had necessary hands and technologies. But in those days this idea was simply
bad - different departments... Some of materials was replaced - as result
"Almazes" of some series elementary rusted from within at normal operation.
Not entirely, certainly, separate details.
Rumors about attempt of manufacture of Almaz on KMZ. P.A.Lapin (main designer
of phototechnics and the participant of events) completely denies any
participation KMZ in manufacture of Almazes. But at least one camera "Almaz"
in specialised workshop KMZ have altered under "Zenit-automat" bayonet (probably,
it and has generated rumors*) for demonstration of compatibility with
replaceable lenses, and have transferred the documentation to a bayonet(in this
time on KMZ prepared corresponding standart), but, completely almaz-developers
not use it completely.
There was superb designed SLR-camera which "was ruined" by conveyor-making.
Industrial problems and "children's illnesses" had any equipment, but one
people solve them, one - simply discuss of problem. The middle-end 80's -
basically discussed the problem, much more in this time - discussed...
The samples finished "up to mind" - perfectly work up to deterioration of
details. Deterioration of details exists at all cameras - whether it be Leica,
Nikon or Zenit... Management of LOMO realized, it understand - LOMO high
quality SLR-cameras "does not pull", and him it was absolutely not necessary
(the end of 80's), enterprises began to pass to so-called "self-financing",
Almazes quickly and "under a zero" have turned, trying forget about it as soon
as possible. A matter in this: production of Almaz-103 have price 669 roubles
(1986), solding in trade 240 roubles - wasting only(I.Klebanov's words). But,
Almazes must be produce in cooperations with other plants, not LOMO in lonely!
Golden times is pass - Soviet Union in ruins, and all in past. One word -
destiny(I mean - doom).
- Swedish (or Swiss) the machine tools purchased for these purposes,
are ruined by domestic lubricating oil filled in them.
- When designers have finished to work above the specification of materials
used in "Almaz" him(in a high
cabinet) have told: "What is that? It what for here? Who has allowed?" "We
wanted as better," - developers have answered. That is not necessary as better.
It is necessary, as it is necessary. And that is not necessary, - do not do it
(it is typical, for that epoch, many materials were specialised - for example,
the titanium, and them simply did not allow for unspecialized(civil) themes).
I call it "tales" bacause similar tales like told about most of devices, maked
in USSR, but usually it just a mask for own bad work and designer's mistakes.